Superfast Blueberry Cobbler - Martha White®
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Superfast Blueberry Cobbler

Prep Time

10 min

Cook Time

47 min


6 Servings

Total Time

57 min

Superfast Blueberry Cobbler



1/2 cup butter, melted

1 cup Martha White Self-Rising Flour

1/4 cup sugar, divided

3/4 cup milk


Fruit Mixture:

2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup suger


Heat oven to 350°F. Pour melted butter in 10 x 6-inch (1 1/2-quart) baking dish, coating bottom evenly. Combine flour, 1/4 cup of the sugar and milk in medium bowl; blend well. Pour batter evenly over butter in baking dish.

Combine all fruit mixture ingredients in large bowl. Mix gently. Spoon evenly over batter in baking dish. Do not stir.

Bake 45 to 50 minutes or until golden brown and bubbly.